Friday, October 20, 2006

Our Grand Canyon Experience

The Grand Canyon is one of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World. I now know why. I won’t say much about it because I’m not capable of adequately describing what I experienced. This hit home even more when I looked at the pictures and realized that they, too, are incapable of conveying the experience. You must be there. The bottom is about a mile from the rim. We’ve seen greater distances from Pikes Peak, from airplanes and in many other instances. There’s something very different, though about looking almost directly down and seeing that floor a mile below in that immense cavern. You must see the shapes and colors. Stand with people, with all of us in complete silence at the wonder. Listen to crows cawing as the swoop down. Their sound is like you hear nowhere else. It’s combined with echoes from the close walls and they disappear as the bird drops further into the expanse. It’s all of these things together and I hope that all of you can experience it.

The whole day was fun. It started with an old west shoot out in an old west set at the train station. We then boarded a domed car and rode for a little over two hours through the prairies and the Kiabab National Forest south of the canyon. The ride was smooth and enjoyable and the scenery was pleasant. We were entertained with musician/comedians. A Navajo, on the way up, sang several Navajo songs and several songs selected from elsewhere around the world. On the return trip, we listened to country western songs. Both were enjoyable.

The company also staged a train robbery. The train conveniently stopped at one point to allow the horseback riders on. A sheriff also mysteriously appeared to bring justice.

This is our last night in Williams.

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