Saturday, January 27, 2007

What Inspired That?

We passed an interesting roadside sign. There are many humorous postings about signs that involve mistakes or odd combinations. My favorites, though, are the ones that make you wonder about what happened to make the sign necessary

We sighted one years ago while traveling in upper New York. One of the kids spotted it. It warned “No Road Work without Permit”. Think about what might have happened to inspire that sign. Possibly started with a family sitting around on the porch after dinner. To break the monotony somewhat proposes “let’s have some fun and fix some potholes.”

The one we passed today was a simple, hand-made sign announcing “Anthracite Coal For Sale”. Couldn’t help wondering if they started with just “Coal For Sale” and suffered the wrath of someone yearning for Bituminous.

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Dennis said...

My next-door neighbor patched a hole in our street after the city did some digging there and left the mess. There were no repercussions!

fred m said...

Next time I'm in your area, I'll install a sign!