I’m an Optimist
I remember when Newt Gingrich was the focal point for the Republicans overthrowing a corrupt Democratic congress. He communicated his visions with the voters through the Contract with America. The contract was a team effort and drew from one of Reagan’s SOTU addresses and The Heritage Foundation policy ideas. Gingrich, though was the major communicator. It’s argued that election polling indicated that only 30% of the voters were aware of the contract but when you think of the big chunk that vote straight, 30% is massive.
What followed were the Republicans replacing the Democrats in sufficient numbers to control the House. I also remember Gingrich’s enthusiasm in settling into the job and my optimism. He was going to plod through the realization of the Contract and even lose some weight as he was doing it. He didn’t foresee the hacks, having no interest in a Contract with America, flooding in from the wings with visions of retribution, building fiefdoms and pushing pet projects. Chief among the group was the already entrenched DeLay who would eventually help bring the era Gingrich ushered in to an end.
Now we have Nancy Pelosi. Similarly, she engineered an overthrow of the corrupt Republican House. Not so similarly, however, she did it not by capturing the voters imaginations but by rallying and whipping her disarrayed democratic colleagues into line. She herded them into a united front against the administration and it was effective. The difference in implementation may prove to be important. The Democratic hacks will be driven to exact retribution, build fiefdoms and push pet projects. She just may have the leadership punch to contain the small minds and turn the debate toward our pressing issues.
I hope so and I wish her well.
Technorati Tags:Gingrich, Contract with America, Pelosi, Congress